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Reydon Primary School


School Clubs - Spring 2024

We are pleased to be offering the following before and after school clubs next term. Clubs will commence from Monday 8th January 2024 and run until the end of term, the last day of clubs will be Tuesday 26th of March 2024. Please note half term is the week commencing 19th Feb, so there will be no clubs that week.



Dodgeball with Mr Caplin -

Monday mornings - 8am - 8.40am for years 1 - 6


Multisports with Mr Websdale -

Tuesday mornings - 8am - 8.40am for years 1- 6


Football Club with Mr Websdale -

Tuesday 3.15pm - 4.15pm for years Rec, 1 & 2

Passport Around the World Club with Miss Lilley and Mrs Phillips

Thursday 3.15pm - 4.14pm for  all year groups
(this is a paid club of £2.50)


Outdoor Football club with Mr Websdale -

Friday 3.15pm - 4.15pm for years Years 3,4,5 & 6


Gymnastics club with Mr Websdale -

Friday 3.15pm - 4.15pm for years Years 3,4,5 & 6



To register your child for a club please do this by logging on to ParentMail.