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Reydon Primary School


Curriculum at Reydon

Statement of Curriculum Intent


At Reydon Primary School, our curriculum is designed to ensure our learners are prepared for life in an ever-changing world; with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to be ready for the next stage of their learning journey, with us and beyond their time at Reydon Primary School. It is built on our school values of Aspiration, Knowledge, Respect and Resilience. 

Our intent is that: 

  • Our children experience a broad and balanced curriculum which is accessible to all and provides stimulating, exciting and creative learning experiences which foster and encourage a love of learning.  
  • Within this, Key Stage 1 children will focus on developing the knowledge, skills and concepts in the core subjects of reading, writing and maths, building solid foundations on which to build future learning. 
  • Our curriculum is designed with ambitious outcomes for all learners in mind, linking these to age expected outcomes as specified in the National Curriculum, and ensuring that progressive steps are made in sequencing learning, both from year to year and within the year group that they are in.  
  • Our curriculum is delivered through evidence-based practice in teachers use of cognitive science; using retrieval practise, managing cognitive load, and spacing learning.  
  • The curriculum is designed to include acquisition and understanding of subject specific vocabulary, whilst linking learning across subjects to connect learning. 
  • Our children see their place as citizens within local, national and global communities, learning the understanding and life-skills necessary to navigate their way wisely through interactions with people and groups in person and online.  
  • Our curriculum is aspirational; it provides opportunities for pupils to become aware of and meet people who have a wide variety of careers; draws pupils attention to the achievement of those who have overcome adversity in achieving their goals, includes those from a diverse background, links their approach to their learning to their achievements, and uses examples of people within and beyond their own culture and experience to aspire them to be the best that they can be. 
  • The Reydon 5Rs (Resilience, Risk Taking, Relationships, Resourcefulness and Reflectiveness), support the development of pupils' aspirations through focusing on areas that will serve them well in their learning at Reydon and beyond, as well as the workplace in their futures. 
  • It is enhanced through visits, visitors, links with the community, national events, celebrations and responding to local, national and global events as they happen. 
  • Our curriculum is delivered within a safe and secure learning culture which promotes ‘high challenge – low threat’ and is adapted according to pupil’s educational needs. Its delivery considers all pupils’ starting points and holds high expectations for all in their learning outcomes. 



What topics will our children learn about in each term?

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Year 4 Year 5 Year 6


Explore our individual curriculum subject areas here:


English Mathematics Science
History Geography Physical Education
Music Art DT
Computing RE French
PSHE RSE Children's Mental Health
Thrive at Reydon


Reydon Primary School seeks to promote a tolerant and informed view of the world and holds no political, cultural or religious affiliations.