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Reydon Primary School



Evidence demonstrates that there is a strong relationship between regular attendance at school and children reaching their educational potential.

At Reydon Primary School, we aim to work closely with children and their parents to ensure that they arrive punctually and attend regularly. Our Attendance Policy sets out how we work with families when problems with attendance and punctuality are identified.  It also shares procedures we have in place to ensure that our records are accurate. 

reydon attendance leaflet 2023.pdf

Top tips for getting children to school on time 



If your child is unwell or absent for any other reason, please contact the school before 9.00am by telephoning the School Office. You are welcome to leave a message on our answer phone either before or during office opening hours. 

Children should be kept at home for a full 48 hours after any bout of sickness or diarrhoea has ended to ensure symptoms have cleared and also to prevent illness from spreading. If a child is absent from school for a prolonged period of time, or has a recurrent medical problem, parents should send supporting documentation to the school office; this will be photocopied and returned to the parent. If a child’s attendance is 95% or below, absences may only be authorised if supported by medical or other relevant evidence.


Where it is at all possible please make appointments for dentist, doctor, etc. outside school hours to avoid disruption and time missed at school.  If your child is unwell, please call the school and inform us of the absence. 

Leave of Absence 

If you wish to request term time leave for exceptional circumstances you will need to complete a ‘Leave of Absence Request Form’. The request should be submitted 4 weeks prior to the absence and include as much details as possible with the appropriate evidence. An appointment should be made with the Head of School prior to planning the leave of absence to discuss your child’s current attendance.

After 10 unauthorised sessions during the current academic year, a penalty notice may be made to Reydon Primary School Attendance Policy September 2022 Page 4 the Local Authority. Unauthorised absences could include, absence of leave, late after registration closes (8.45am), illness without evidence provided (i.e. appointment cards, medication) and absence.