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Reydon Primary School



Our aim at Reydon Primary is for our children to leave us in Year Six demonstrating that they are working at either the expected or higher standard in order for them to be well placed at High School. We strongly believe that progress is individual to a particular child and should be assessed from their starting points. Most children will make progress in line with their peers.  However, there is a small number of children whose learning and progress will look very different.   


The principles that underpin our assessment system are:

  • Every child can be successful and independent learners.
  • Live assessment is made in each lesson. This informs teachers’ planning and delivery of learning.
  • Children’s learning is based on Formative and Summative Assessments.
  • Children self-select appropriate challenges – we believe that independence is key.
  • Prior learning is taken into account to ensure the best opportunities are given to all of the children.
  • Pixl Question Level Analysis assessments are used to identify gaps in learning.
  • The National Curriculum objectives and End of Key Stage Assessment frameworks are used to plan all learning opportunities.

Tracking progress over time:

Teachers’ planning is a working document, based on daily Formative Assessment.  Children are involved in this process and help identify their own next steps of learning and subsequent targets.  Each term Summative Assessments of children’s work are made by staff in reading, writing, maths and science and these findings are recorded on a tracker. All other subject summative data is collected in July.

Children use their purple polishing pen to edit and improve their work.  

Parent Consultations

In October and February, we report on children’s progress to parents, showing their progress across the curriculum including reading, writing and mathematics, and an overview of how each child is socially. We believe it is important to share how the whole child is improving, not just in English and Mathematics.

Children have the opportunity to talk about their learning, what they are proud of, and what they need to do to further improve with their teachers and home adults. Teacher are able to discuss what parents can do at home to help their child/ren develop.

If parents have any further queries about how to support learning at home, an appointment can be made to see the class teacher at any point in the school year.  We see this area as a partnership between parents, teachers and, most importantly, the children.