Swallows (Year 4)
Class welcome
Welcome to our class page. Here you can find our newsletter, learning challenges and homework information. Our PE days this half term are Wednesday and Friday. If you have any questions then please contact the office or speak to Miss Lilley.
Curriculum Newsletter
year 4 spring 1 newsletter.pdf
Learning challenges
Weekly homework: set 31.1.25 - due 7.2.25
- Maths: Multiplication using a formal written method
- Spellings:
- Group 1: Year 4 Statutory Word List
- Group 2: the /l/ sound spelled -al
- Maths homework will be handed out on a Friday and is to be returned the following Friday. Children are also expected to practice their times table using Times Table Rockstars in readiness for the Year 4 Multiplication Check.
- Reading: The children are encouraged to read at least 3 times a week. Please continue to record this on Boom Reader.
- A spelling list will be sent out for the children to learn on a Friday. These spellings follow the National Curriculum guidance and should be practiced at home. The children will be tested on these spellings the following Friday. Optional activities will be available on Purple Mash to support your child in practicing these. Spelling lists will be available on our class page should you need to access them.
Useful websites
Typing game programme:
Target Your Maths Books Online Library:
Grammar bug:
Times Tables Rockstars:
DK! Find out:
BBC Bitesize:
Hit the button:
Useful websites with learning resources
Below you will find links to helpful websites and resources which can be used at home to assist further learning.
E-Safety Websites:
Homework Help:
https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/ - Fantastic Resource!