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Reydon Primary School


Junior Road Safety Officers


Welcome to the Reydon Primary School Junior Road Safety

 We would like to welcome our Junior Road Safety Officers for the new school year. Flossy, Robyn, Ivy and Sullie were selected from a large pool of applicants to help Reydon Primary keep safe on and around the roads in our school community. 

The JRSO team will be running competitions, informative assemblies along with many other exciting safety activates this academic year.



We carried out a whole school assembly before half term, to talk to the children about keeping safe when out and about in the dark trick or treating. Please see the poster below with the important messages they would like all the children to be reminded of.  We would love Mums, Dads and Carers to discuss this with your children again nearer the time.


halloween poster 2023 2024v2.pdf