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Reydon Primary School


Green Woodpeckers (Year 5)

Welcome to Green Woodpeckers - Year 5!

We hope that your child has been sharing their learning with you at home. We have launched our way into the Maya topic and the children have been: experimenting with materials, writing poetry, calculating in maths, learning about binary code and have even been fingerspelling using British Sign Language among their other units. 

Any information you may need will be put onto our class page and you can also find some useful links to websites at the bottom of this page. We also upload photos of the fantastic work on our Twitter page @ReydonPrimary

Please note that our PE days this term are Monday and Thursday. 

Thank you for all your support.

Mrs Pigney and Mrs Chenery


Curriculum Newsletter - Autumn 2024


autumn newsletter year 5 2024.pdf





This is your pick 'n' mix menu. Please be creative and take pride in all that you do. Hand your task(s) in as you complete them so that they can be displayed. 


scandinavian homework.pdf




Spellings will be sent home and uploaded here Friday. There will be a look, write, spell and check worksheet sent home and the children have a 2Do quiz on PurpleMash based on these too. We will be testing spellings on a Friday morning.


homework ough spellings.pdf





Homework- Maths

Maths- Maths books will be used this year. Your child will be set a section to complete which will help to consolidate their daily learning for that week. Where the book is set, a task will be waiting on their PurpleMash account. 

Homework is due on Friday 6th December

This week, your task is to choose a method and select a level of challenge from the multiplication worksheet you have been given.

homework 29th nov 1 .pdf




Use your log in for Times Table Rock Stars to complete at least 3 rounds. 

* Log on to TTRS - https://ttrockstars.com/

* Select single player

* Choose Garage and press play


Useful Websites:


Think-U-Know Think-U-Know have created a page to support parents during the closure of schools. Each fortnight, they will be releasing new home activity packs with simple 15 minute activities you can do with your child to support their online safety at a time when they will spending more time online at home.

Purple Mash

My Maths

DK Find Out!

BBC Bitesize

Hit the Butto